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Thursday, August 27, 2020
Piagets Stages of Cognitive Development Essays
Piagets Stages of Cognitive Development Essays Piagets Stages of Cognitive Development Paper Piagets Stages of Cognitive Development Paper Up to this current day and age, there have been a wide range of hypotheses and approaches on how the basic man creates. Of these, the most sensible and perceived ones appear to be Piagets Stages of Cognitive Development, Freuds Stages of Psychosexual Development, and Eriksons Theory of Psychosocial Development. These three hypotheses all methodology this subject in totally different manners, yet they all might be correct. Firstly, we have take a gander at how these methodologies are comparative. The most clear one is that they all show how the normal person grows, yet not similarly. Likewise, Freuds hypothesis and Eriksons hypothesis are comparative in a few different ways. Both pressure and show the enthusiastic elements of social turn of events. Fundamentally, this is stating that the two of them accept that learning the principles of society are unique in relation to figuring out how to walk or how to swim. Additionally, the two of them present four comparative stages in he starting, oral, butt-centric, phallic/genital, and idleness. Moreover, the two of them talk about uneasiness, clinical conduct, enthusiastic conduct, anomalous conduct, and despondency/psychosis conduct. For a particular explanation, which will be clarified later on, Piagets stages are altogether different, consequently the miniscule comparability, if there are any. Also, we take a gander at how these models vary. Piagets is unmistakably the most extraordinary. His model is made out of four, all around investigated stages, sensorimotor, pre-operational, solid activities, lastly, formal tasks. What these stages talk about are the way the individual grows intellectually or how their reasoning creates. This is unique, rather than Freuds and Eriksons, which are for the most part genuinely. Then again, Eriksons however like Freuds, has a few contrasts. His hypothesis doesnt stop at inactivity, in contrast to Freuds, or Piagets, which doesnt even incorporate any equivalent stages. It goes on with adolescence, youthful adulthood, adulthood, and development, also called mature age. Likewise, Eriksons model presents organizes that can be passed in the wake of settling the issue of their stage. Freuds and Piagets state that they develop into them, which means they dont truly have control on how quick they progress, however they do have control on whether they would like to advance. As should be obvious, these methodologies all are equipped for being entirely right, despite the fact that they approach the subject in an alternate manner. Its like stating somebody took one street to get some place, and another took an alternate course and both got at a similar goal simultaneously. There wasnt an off-base street, they were both substantial. Similarly as in this model, the three models are on the whole fit for being legitimate.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The accounting Profession Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The bookkeeping Profession - Assignment Example The article gives an examination of the SWOT investigation for Deloitte. It gives data on the exhibition of the organization in the reviewing field of business. The examination is useful for the peruser in the sense than one gets the chance to comprehend both the inner and outer situations of the organization that impact its exhibition. The inward condition identify with quality and shortcomings while the outer condition identifies with issues, for example, openings and dangers. Case backing and extortion bookkeeping are the two regions in the field of criminological bookkeeping. Be that as it may, there exists a distinction between the two territories. Case support includes the criminological bookkeeper offering input about existing realities or realities that are yet to be revealed. Then again, extortion bookkeeping includes making examinations to expose instances of misrepresentation on the organization books of records. The distinction emerges from the way that a criminological bookkeeper just gives a feeling on account of suit support while he gets includes in making examination on account of extortion bookkeeping. This implies a criminological bookkeeper has an aloof job in prosecution support and a functioning job in extortion bookkeeping. The most significant aptitude is working experience picked up from regular achievement of legal bookkeeping undertakings. This aptitude is urgent in light of the fact that the more extended a measurable bookkeeper has been in the calling, the more noteworthy the capacity to deal with different provokes identified with ordinary errands. Specialists remark that regardless of a bookkeeper picking up information in interior controls, bookkeeping and reviewing, tax collection, and business tasks the most significant thing is developing in the calling. Developing is accomplished by a scientific bookkeeper investing a lot of energy performing undertakings identified with their calling. A scientific bookkeeper ought to likewise have sufficient preparing in applicable fields to their calling
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Effects of Peer to Peer File Sharing on The UK Music Essay
The Effects of Peer to Peer File Sharing on The UK Music - Essay Example The music business and related affiliations would not be remembered for these insights since examine work has demonstrated an incredible polarity (Alejandro, 2005). Specialists have been refered to as saying that filesharing turns into a criminal behavior when copyright material is made accessible without the consent of the rights holders especially recording studios in the music business. Taking into account this contention, look into discoveries have indicated that filesharing includes exchanging of computerized records with different clients over the web making untold monetary enduring the influenced organizations and establishments. This demonstration of Peer-to-Peer filesharing has gotten an across the board reception and assistance because of various elements. Right off the bat, the expanding Internet transfer speed and the far reaching digitization of physical media records have significantly made home PCs equipped for overseeing digitized sound and video documents in a far much better way (Ethan, 2007). This has also made it moderately simple to move a few documents starting with one PC then onto the next over the Internet utilizing different record the board organizes as saw by Eric (2008). Further perceptions by Ethan (2007) have uncovered that the music business has more than once demonstrated worries over the conceivably decimating effects of online music s haring. In such manner, the current investigation has proposed to break down the impacts of p2p document sharing on the UK music industry and successfully prescribe suitable answers for this deplorable demonstration. The primary part is introduced in the areas examined hereunder. Distributed works around there show that dominant part of individuals over all age bunches are at present engaged with downloading all types of data uninhibitedly from the web. A wide range of data including copyrighted material are promptly made accessible online by different filesharing sites bringing about unfriendly budgetary repercussions to the concerned organizations.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
The Early Stages of Psychology - 974 Words
The Early Stages of Psychology Philip C. Allen PSY/310 May 3, 2012 Shruthi Vale The Early Stages of Psychology People have been searching for answers to life’s problems since the dawn of mankind. Humans would look to the stars for answers. They would look to nature for a cure. They even looked toward the heavens for gods to cure their ailments. Not until recently did we, as a race, begin to look toward ourselves to find solutions. We now know that we are capable of tapping into our minds and understanding what lies at the root of our mental illnesses. Beginnings Psychology is still in its infancy when compared with†¦show more content†¦Structuralism eventually died with Titchener (Cherry, 2012). Victorian Thomas Brown proposed the study of the mind as the basic framework for most scientific efforts. He believed that before any science could be taken seriously, the brain must be studied. Not only the physicality of the brain, but also the workings of the mind an d how it thinks (Wee, 2005). With Brown’s proposal, the majority of serious psychologists would no longer ignore the real world implications of human experience and action when dealing with the functioning of the mind. In 1885, Herbert Spencer published The Principles of Psychology. Spencer had a strong background in biology and philosophy, therefore much of his writings were based solely on speculation, observation, and philosophical ideals. Wee (2005), â€Å"One of Spencer s most famous phrases was survival of the fittest, which later formed the basis of a controversial branch of psychology/philosophy called Social Darwinism†(para. 4). Conclusion Since the days of Greek and French philosophers and German physiologists, we have developed a sound science. We can delve deeper than ever before. We see beyond the layers of our conscious mind. We can look into our past to raise questions about our childhood and answer age old questions that were asked by unconscious . Today’sShow MoreRelatedErik Erikson s Theory And Theory908 Words  | 4 Pagesthe idea that early life experiences impact the person across their lifespan. Erikson’s developmental theory discusses the eight stages of life and the forces and values that arise at each stage, which should be developed within this frame. The attachment theory focuses on the interaction an individual has and the impact it may have on their psychological and social development. Both theories believe that personality begins to develop from a young age and therefore occurrences in early life can haveRead MoreErik Erikson s Theory Of Psychosocial Development1359 Words  | 6 Pages Erik Erikson â€Å"There is in every child at every stage a new miracle of vigorous unfolding.†And no matter who you are and what you do, I believe that everyone will go through stages in their life. Erik Erikson was a famous psychologist in the twentieth – century, where he developed â€Å"Psychosocial stages†. Erikson’s theories centered on issues that were met on specific ages in someone’s life. Love, care, and tender is critical and many parents do not realize how much nurturing and caring for a childRead MoreA Study on Cognitive Psychology650 Words  | 3 Pagesï » ¿Introduction Cognitive psychology studies the mental processes that permit humans to perceive, remember, learn, and think. Cognitive psychology is subsumed under the broad field of cognitive science, which includes disciplines such as linguistics, philosophy, and neuroscience. (Allport, 1985). Cognitive psychologists study human memory, attention, perception, intelligence, problem-solving, decision-making, judgment, and language acquisition (Cherry, 2011). Among these several topics, the emphasisRead MoreEarly Life Experiences Impact The Person Across Their Lifespan930 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"Early life experiences impact the person across their lifespan†is conveyed in the Jane Piaget theory ‘Stages of cognitive development’ (1936) and Erik Erikson theory ‘Psychosocial stages’ (1950). Piaget argued that children develop knowledge by constructing their experience and observe with their own ideas about how the thing works.(Burton, L.J., Westen, d. Kowalski, R. M. 2015) He developed 4 stages of his theory: Sensorimotor Stage, Preoperational Stage, Concrete Operational Stage and FormalRead More Seasons Of A Mans Life Essays1265 Words  | 6 PagesThe Seasons of A Mans Life. Mr. Levinson conducted his research for the book in the late 1960s. At that time he was a Professor of Psychology in the Department of Psychiatry of the Yale University School of Medicine, Director of Psychology in the Connecticut Mental Health Center and Director of the Research Unit for Social Psychology and Psychiatry. Early in the book, Mr. Levinson states his reasons for engaging in the research of male adult development and for ultimately writing the bookRead MoreThe Theory Of Psychoanalysis On The Unconscious Phases Of Personality Development1130 Words  | 5 PagesThe theory of Psychoanalysis In the early 1800s, Psychologist and researchers were fervent in postulating and hypothesizing. Searching earnestly for answers to the many questions that were prevalent in those days. The theory of Psychoanalysis was one of such theory that was founded. Psychoanalysis emphases on the unconscious phases of personality development. The main tenets of this theory are characterized into four subsections. Firstly, it states that early childhood experiences are important inRead MorePsychology Is The Scientific Study Of Psychology1383 Words  | 6 PagesPsychology is defined as the scientific study of behavior of the mind. There are two things that are implied by this definition. The first that is implied is that psychology is a science. Therefore, it is able to be physically studied through measures of observation and experimentation with humans as well as animal behavior. Secondly, psychology is the study of the mind. This is including the conscious and unconscious mental states that are unable to be physically seen but can be observed. This modern-dayRead MorePsychology : Psychology And Psychology1198 Words  | 5 PagesOne of the many amazing things about psychology is that it can be used in a lot of different situations, which makes it one of the most interesting and in depth subjects I have studied. I’m shocked at the amount of theories and concepts there are, all about how the mind works and how it forms them into what makes them. After reading and learning about the large amount of ideas that have come about through psychology, is the specific reason of what has kept me curious and kept me keen to continueRead MoreSocial Psychology1703 Words  | 7 PagesSocial orientation is the recognition of human psychology and behavior. The emphasis on human thought, emotion, and behavior was to represent the thought, emotion, and behavior of members of a social group. Thomas Hobbes declared that the social groups are nothing more than a collection of ind ividuals and that of social thought, emotion, and behavior, governed by the pursuit of pleasure and avoidance of pain (Greenwood, 2009). Cognitive psychology represents the distinction amongst the human mindRead MoreFreud, Adler and Jung: Founders of Psychoanalytic Research Essay1645 Words  | 7 PagesWillis Introduction: There are three well-known influential thinkers who are considered to be pioneers in the field of psychology. It could be argued that without †¦., the emergence of psychology as we know it might not have ever happened, at least in its present form. Freud is considered by his modern-day counterparts to be the founding father of analytic psychology, as he is the first to have come up with an albeit rudimentary, but nevertheless valuable model of the human psyche. Prior to
Friday, May 15, 2020
Drug Abuse Among American Teenagers Essay - 7972 Words
Drug Abuse Among American Teenagers Drug abuse in America is a major problem. Especially among teenagers. Drugs have hurt the lives of nearly 40 percent of all teenagers in America. Either with health problems, DWIs, highway crashes, arrests, impaired school and job performance. These drugs that teenagers use range from Alcohol, LSD, Marijuana, and even Cigarettes. Most of the teenagers that are involved in drug abuse have either, broken families, parents that are drug abusers, a unstable environment where they are constantly moving from place to place, or there parents arent exactly making a lot of money and they are never around because they are trying to make enough money for them to survive. But even to most ordinary teenager can†¦show more content†¦If your inner containment is low, meaning that you dont have people that have put ideas into your head about whats right and wrong, then your chance of being a drug abuser increases. Outer containment is like the law, teachers, friends, and family. If you have a lot of people around you that are constantly telling you drugs are bad, you will be less likely to get involved with the drugs because you dont wanna let these people down. But if you dont have very many people around you like teachers say if you dropped out or something. Then you dont have anyone telling you not to do drugs, which means you will probably do them. But if you have a strong social bond (i.e. attachment to parents, school, church, etc.) you will be less likely to become deviant because you dont want to let them down. If a person has a low inner and outer containment, they probably dont feel to great about themselves either, and feel as if they are lost in society. They look for someone to lead them, or look for a way out. When a person doesnt know what to do, they are more prone to get involved with deviance. This theory is known as Anomie. Differential Association ties in with the containment theory also. It means that people will learn to be deviant (i.e. drug abuse) by the examples sent to them by important people in our lives. These important people could be parents, and family. When you grow up you always look to your parentsShow MoreRelatedJuveniles and Drug Abuse946 Words  | 4 PagesJuveniles and Drug Abuse America Abstract A drug is a substance that modifies one or more of the bodys functions when it is consumed. Therefore, many common foods qualify as drugs. According to this definition, some of our most cherished beverages such as tea, coffee, and cola are drugs. However this paper focuses on drugs that are abused by teenagers. Surveys show that cocaine, marijuana, heroin, and inhalants are the most commonly used drugs among teenagers age thirteen through eighteenRead MoreDrug Abuse1279 Words  | 6 PagesThe use of and abuse of illegal and prescription drugs are a health, social, and law enforcement problem that is affecting Americans across the country. Drug abuse is destroying the lives of many teens and adults and is also destroying families in the United States. The use of drugs is a major problem in the United States among all Americans, but drug addiction is the main cause for America s troubled teens today. Exactly what is a drug? A drug is any chemical that produces a therapeutic or non-therapeuticRead MoreTeen Abuse Prescription Drug Abuse1422 Words  | 6 Pagesthree leading drugs used and abused by teenagers in America. According to Elizabeth Larsen, â€Å"The Centers for Disease Control classifies prescription drug abuse as the worst drug epidemic in United States history†(Larsen p.4). This is the worst drug epidemic in history because of the percentage of teenage usage. Based on different studies, pills are the most commonly abused drug among twelve- and thirteen- year olds because of how easy they are to access. In fact, many teens that abuse prescriptionRead MoreThe Epidemic of Teenagers Using Drugs1687 Words  | 7 PagesThe Epidemic of Teenagers Abusing Drugs Krystyn Romualdo COM/156 November 18, 2012 Jackie Hudspeth Jr The Epidemic of Teenagers Abusing Drugs To have known so many people that have struggled with drug addiction in their teenage years it has become very apparent what a vital time in one’s life it is to know the dangers of abusing drugs as a teenager. Even though not all teens abuse drugs, it is an epidemic in the United States because more teens are turning to drugs to escape or use outRead MoreHow Substance Abuse Can Be Harmful At The Societal And Individual Level1255 Words  | 6 Pages1. Describe the ways substance abuse can be harmful at the societal individual level Drug abuse is harmful to both the society and individuals themselves. The effect of drug use on individuals is that the users usually go through a wide array of physical effects such as fatigue, anxiety, depression, and flashbacks (Maisto Connors, 2014). For example, getting high with Cocaine is usually followed by â€Å"crash’ which is a period of fatigue, anxiety, and depression. In addition, there is an increaseRead MoreDrug Abuse Among Teenagers And Young Adults1114 Words  | 5 Pagesgenerations now drug abuse among teenagers and young adults has been a major problem in American society. To address the problem successfully in term of diminishing the amount of illegal drug use among this age demographic, we must first understand the patterns and trends over time in terms of what drugs teenagers use, how they obtain them and then use them, and what factors cause or influence them to engage in such activities. First we should define our terms and limits of discussion. à ¢â‚¬Å"Drugs†here meansRead MoreDrug Abuse And Addiction Among Teenagers1704 Words  | 7 PagesStudies have shown that prescription drug abuse and addiction among teenagers is on a steady incline. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, â€Å"prescription drug abuse is the use of a medication without a prescription, in a way other than as prescribed, of for the experience or feelings elicited.†This is a pervasive problem that is in fact consuming the lives of many teens, primarily because prescription drugs are easily accessible in their environment. There are several interpersonalRead MorePast and Current Trends1207 Words  | 5 PagesPast and Current Trends Drugs and alcohol have played a role in American society for many years. There is, however, a wider variety of drugs available today than ever before and with this wider variety there comes a wider range of addictive qualities and health related risks that individuals who take these drugs are subjected. Habit forming drugs were introduced into American society as far back as the 1700s. These drugs were widely used for medicinal purposes without any knowledge of their addictiveRead MorePrevention of Alcohol Abuse Among Pregnant Women1306 Words  | 5 PagesPrevention of Alcohol abuse among pregnant women Introduction The drug abuse menace has been indicated to be one of the leading factors that negatively affect people at whatever stage of life right from the fetus stage to the fully grown baby and the adulthood. Of greater interest in this case is the persistent and ever increasing abuse of alcohol among other substances among pregnant women and teenagers in particular. There are repercussions that come with the alcohol abuse and there is thereforeRead MoreDrug Abuse Essay1546 Words  | 7 PagesThesis: Drug abuse, also known as substance abuse, is a patterned use of a drug in which the user consumes the substance in amounts or with methods which are harmful to themselves or others. Many teens turn to marijuana, prescription drugs, club drugs, alcohol, or other substances as a means of coping with stress, peer influence, and failure of parents to prevent their children from making unreasonable decisions. According to the yearly â€Å"Monitoring the Future†survey of high school age teenagers in the
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Abortion A Debate On Human Life Essay - 1225 Words
Abortion; as defined by Merriam-Webster dictionary is, â€Å"the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus. This is the definition of abortion of which I will be reviewing its ethical status. After Roe vs Wade, the Supreme Court simultaneously decided that women have the right of privacy under the 14th amendment; making it acceptable to abort a pregnancy within the first trimester (Vaughn 119). The main argument on abortion is really a debate on human life, and whether it has value from the moment of conception. Each and every human life is composed of intrinsic value, and has the right to live. Killing an innocent human being is wrong, and fetuses are innocent human beings; making it morally wrong and impermissible to abort a fetus (Vaughn 143). In modern day society we are often faced with moral issues (like abortion) that cause disagreement, and frustration between groups of people with opposing values and ideas. Some argue on the basis of pure subjectivity, while others argue from objective principles. Over time, great minds such as Immanuel Kant have illustrated moral principles that govern a person or groups behavior called ethics (Merriam-Webster). Although there are many different styles of ethics, for this paper I will be taking a Deontological stance. The term â€Å"deontology†is derived from the Greek word Deon which means â€Å"binding duty†(The Free-Dictionary). This means that the essence ofShow MoreRelatedAbortion, Gun Control / Safety, And Marriage Equality1370 Words  | 6 PagesPeople debate deeply on topics such as abortion, gun control/safety, and marriage equality. It is not possible to make all people agree on topics such as those. There are many religions and cultures that people come from; everyone values their own beliefs. The conflict between two sides of abortion has occurred ever since 1960s and early 1970s due to Roe v. Wade case. â€Å"In Roe v. Wade (1973), the U.S. Supreme Court stated that abortion bans were unconstitutional in every state, legalizing abortion throughoutRead MoreAbortion Debate Essay968 Words  | 4 Pagesessay is about the Abortion debates. I choose to write abo ut this because of my personal views. The Abortion debate is one of the biggest debates in the United States. Many topics come up in the Abortion debates from both sides. I have 6 Points from both sides of the issue. The first point I would like to talk about is when is the fetus considered to be a human life? Pro-life thinks that life begins at conception, so abortion is akin to murder as it is to the act of taking a human life. Now the Pro-choiceRead MoreArgumentative Essay On Abortion771 Words  | 4 PagesAbortion is one of the biggest controversial debates in society. Abortion is the termination of a human pregnancy. It can lead to many complications for a lot of people. It can also have long term effects emotionally on the mother, father, and family after the abortion is complete. It is very common today because many young women get pregnant at such a young age and believe that they are not capable of having a child. Abortion has always been a common debate usually based on beliefs of individualsRead MoreAbortion Is A Or Medical Removal Of An Embryo1659 Words  | 7 PagesDoes life begin at the moment of conception? Or does life begin when the heart starts pumping and the brain starts to think. Some say that life does not begin until birth. The issue of abortion has been the subject of debate for several decades. Religions in Australia have influenced attitudes and laws with regards to this issue in the past. Are the attitudes and involvement of Australian religions in the abortion debate still relevant and do they make a difference? Abortion is a surgical or medicalRead MorePro Life Or Pro Choice1291 Words  | 6 PagesPro Life or Pro Choice The restrictions and the debate that surrounds the issue of abortion has changed dramatically throughout the course of history and it continues to change until this very moment. All around the world and in every known society, women have used abortion to control their reproduction, regardless of it’s legality. Abortion used to be exercised freely in the United Sates, up Until all the states started to ban It and place a lot of restrictions on it. They stated that a womanRead MoreAbortion : Ethical And Moral1495 Words  | 6 PagesAbortion Introduction Is it ethical and moral to have an abortion? The definition of abortion is â€Å"deliberate removal or deliberate action to cause the expulsion of a fetus from the womb of a human female, at the request of or through the agency of the mother, so as in fact to result in the death of the fetus†(Merriam-Webster, 2016). What about the morality of un-coerced, human abortion for our purposes abortions are voluntary, deliberate removals of a human fetus (Objections to Warren, 2016)Read More Three Opposing Viewpoints on Abortion Essay620 Words  | 3 PagesOpposing Viewpoints on Abortion Abortion has been an issue of heated debate in the United States for numerous years. Legislation has ruled it legal to perform an abortion on any gestational age of an embryo or fetus. Some people agree with the law and consider themselves pro-choice. Others are completely against abortion and are pro-life. In addition to these two groups is another group who support abortion in the first half of pregnancy, but believe abortion should be banned for theRead MoreArgumentative Essay On Abortion1546 Words  | 7 Pagesmother.†Abortion is the way of ending pregnancy by removing the fetus or embryo before it can survive outside the matrix, which can also allow women to choose whether they want to become a mother or not. However, people have developed the controversy about abortions. Abortion debate is an ongoing debate which has involved moral, legal, biological and religious status of the induced abortion. In this controversy, there are two groups emerged. The group of people who hold the opinion that abortion shouldRead MoreEssay on The Limited Justification for Abortion1168 Words  | 5 PagesJustification for Abortion Abortion has been one of the hottest political issues over a number of years. The issue of abortion is a huge debate between pro-lifers, people against abortion, and pro-choicers, people who support abortion. Since the Roe v. Wade court case in 1973, which legalized abortion, laws dealing with abortion have been altered in each individual state. Due to these laws, organizations such as the National Organization for Women (NOW) and Feminists for Life of America (FFL)Read MoreAbortion : Is It Morally Acceptable?1640 Words  | 7 PagesDay one, the most important day of any person’s life. The day of conception in which a simple cell becomes a growing human being. Time begins to pass on and the child begins to develop everything they need to survive in the world. In merely a few months the darkness will begin to fade away and the bright light will finally come into view for the child. What was just a simple cell not too long ago has now blossomed into a human being, but is this child technically alive? Is it morally acceptable to
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
International Globalization Marketing Plan of Batik free essay sample
Our mission is to establish a Global Batik Boutique industry with world-class quality in fashion design to support corporate clients and stylist society of upper market. We would like to be known as an industry driven by social values. We strive to be a â€Å"Choice of Retailer†in developing long-term Batik business relationships with our customers, which are founded on our ability to help identify the style-fashion and recommend the best wares and look’s for our customers. We strive for continuous improvement in providing â€Å"New Design†and â€Å"Good Quality†materials selection through a â€Å"Right-on-Time †fashion delivery. Batek Empat Kawan Sdn Bhd need to grow their revenue by exporting Batik products and expanding into new markets segmentation. With faster communication, transportation and financial flows, the company is planning penetrate into United Kingdom Consumer market on establishment of Batik made garment products . 1. 0 Company Background Batek Empat Kawan Sdn Bhd (BEK Sdn Bhd ) is a Malaysian owned company, a batik fashion and boutique consulting firm head quarters in Cyberjaya, Malaysia, specializing in all kind of batik design garment products. We will write a custom essay sample on International Globalization Marketing Plan of Batik or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page BEK Sdn Bhd incorporated in 2001, has an Sales Office and Manufacturing plant at Kajang.
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